miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

On the shore

they jeer.
they grin and laugh and throw sticks at me.

I try to joke, maybe saying do you envy my tan.
I try to think of a joke about my skin being all soft now, all the wind and the sea.

I think I manage to lift a corner of my mouth. do they notice?
I will eventually regain the strength. I will tell them then. How I was victorious even when falling, how i had been kissed by the sun, caressed by the wind, hugged and cradled in the sea.

a kiss to recreate, to recover in every following kiss.
at least to remember it. To feign it, to never forget. A kiss that threads though all other kisses.

they will soon know that despite the limp fallen body and these charred wings, I am the only one that knows.

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